Teen gay massage tube

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They offered a sheet if you were uncomfortable, but we said no, also they cover your private area with a hand towel and were very good at keeping it there during the massage. We got over it and covered up as soon as we could, went down to the outdoor shower, no door or curtain(heads up) rinsed off and were taken to a private curtained room where we were given our massages, naked. Then when the ladies came in to give us a salt rub, we had to lay on tables naked and get scrubbed down, while the man was still in there. After getting a good steam an elderly man came in buck naked and sat down, now while I didn't really want to see my sis in law naked or her me, I guess I was not prepared to see a stranger naked. After getting undressed and putting a sarong on that they provide ,we were told to go into the steam hut to wait until they were ready for us. He met us and walked us down the driveway and gave us instructions on what to do. Had to call from their street because we didn't see the sign in the driveway. Michael who took our reservation was very courteous and gave us a text reminder the day before. Was able to make a reservation for my sis in law and I with two days notice.

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